Weekly Email 9/13/2019: IMPORTANT! Travel Warning!!!

IMPORTANT! Travel Warning!!!

Weekly Email 9/13/2019


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City Council Rating Page!
How is
city council on Second Amendment issues?
We have compiled a list of all the city council members and all the city councils in the county. We are in the process of rating them thumbs=up, thumbs-down, or undecided.
This is your chance to help and get involved!
  • See one we missed? Email us.
  • Have information on a city council member's voting or public statements? Email us.
  • Have information on a candidate who is running against a city council member/mayor, school board member, or county supervisor? Email us.
Check out the page below and see how your county and city representatives are rated.
Council Member Farrah Khan Leading An Anti Gun Town Hall In Less Than Two Weeks!
This is clearly an anti-gun propaganda fest and not about "safety" at all.
We encourage you all to attend and respectfully, professionally, intelligently represent our side.
Can you make it?
Info: Join us for a town hall on gun safety with Irvine City Councilmember Farrah N. Khan, the Brady Orange County, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and the Irvine Police Department. Learn about current legislation, safe storage, gun violence restraining orders, gun take back program and gun lock distribution program.
Register through this link:
September OCGO Meeting a Hit!
Thank you Mayor Raths, Ascanio from Kalikey, U.S. Law Shield, Apex Defensive Strategies, and SEAL1 for making our meeting great.
Did you miss Thursday's meeting??? Don't worry. We meet every month so make sure you keep an eye on our emails and Facebook page.
Great guest speakers, food, fellowship, and a fun, free raffle for all who attended.
See you all next month!
Open to Everyone!
Come Join Us!
Next Shooting Social! September 29th at 12PM! Click the link
below the flyer
, contact us with any questions!
Know someone who needs to have a great first experience with firearms? Here it is! Bring them with.
Find us at 
 and "like" us on Facebook at 
Paid for by Orange County Gun Owners Political Action Committee
P.O. Box 9431, Fountain Valley CA 92728
FPPC ID #1397127
Orange County Gun Owners PAC | (657) 223-4047 |
info@ocgunowners.com |